A chapter which was written by Anat Shauli, Dr. Gabi Schwartz and Dr. Shirly Avargil
Shauly, A. & Avargil, S. (Sep 2023), Using the Value Stories Framework to study Professional Learning
Saleh, A. & Avargil, S. (Sep 2023), Chemistry Teachers` Professional Noticing in a Collaborative and
Shauly, A., & Avargil, S. (2022). Support for chemistry teachers in professional learning communities (PLCs)
Shauly, A., Shwartz, G. & Avargil, S. (March 2022). The role of professional learning communities
Shauly, A., & Avargil, S. (2021). Professional learning communities as a tool for supporting chemistry
Zemel, Y., Huttner-Shwartz, G., Avargil, S. (April, 2021). Challenges in assessing chemistry lab reports among
Avargil, S. (Invited discussant), Hundertmark, S., GraulichN., Blonder, R., Zohar, A., Aviram, E., Schanze, S.,
Ackerman, R., Avargil, S., Michalsky, T. (2019). Invited workshop. Metacognition: assessment and implementation. The 5th
Avargil, S. (Invited speaker), Bruce, M.R.M., Klemmer, S.A., & Bruce A.E. (2019). A professional development
Raviv, Gs. & Avargil, S. (April, 2019). The characteristics of physics teachers attending professional learning
Avargil, S. & Strimbaum Gs. (2018). Factors that influence chemistry students to choose a chemistry-related
Avargil, S., Bruce, M., Francois A., & Bruce, A. (2017). Students’ understanding of analogy after
Jaraisy, A., Shwartz, G., Avargil, S., Herscovitz, O., & Dori, Y. J. (2016). Implementing TELE
Lavi, R., Avargil S., & Dori, Y.J. (2016). Literature review of students’ metacognition and metacognitive
Avargil, Shwartz, G., Herscovitz O., & Dori, Y.J. (2015). Implementing technology and visualization in chemical
Avargil & Dori Y.J. (2015). Chemical understanding and graphing skills – using metacognition and visualization
Dori, Y.J., Avargil, S., Dangur, V., & Peskin U. (2014). Learning quantum chemistry via a
Avargil, S., Bruce, M.R., Bruce A.E., & Amar, F.G. (2014). A framework for anchoring analogical
Avargil, S., Wengrowicz N., Dori, Y.J., & Dori, D. (2014). 3rdAnnual Report – Technion role
Avargil, S., Shemwell, J.T, Capps D.K., & Zoellick, B. (2013). Teachers’ experiences with reform-based instructional
Avargil, S., Capps, D.K., Dorko, A., Shemwell, J., & Zoellick, B. (2012). On the ground
Avargil, S., Herscovitz, O., & Dori Y.J. (2012). Challenges in transition to a large-scale reform