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Supporting Chemistry Teachers in Emergency Remote Teaching—The Role of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
In Y.J., Dori, N., Courtney, & G. Szteinberg (Eds.), Digital Learning and Teaching in Chemistry. Royal Society of Chemistry (pp. 393-410)
Teachers’ practices during emergency remote teaching: An investigation of the needs for support and the role of professional learning communities.
Chemistry Teacher International, 1-12.
Students’ conceptual models in the context of air-quality learning unit
Research in Science Education, 1-25
Being a fly on the wall – an escape room as a pedagogical tool for assessment
Bulletin of Chemistry Teachers- ALCHEMIA, 24, 21-28
Professors’ retrospective views on chemistry career choices with a focus on gender and academic stage aspects
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 36, 1-17.
High school students’ understanding of molecular representations in a context-based chemistry learning environment
International Journal of Science Education, 44(11), 1738-1766.
Knowledge and skills of students’ in chemistry-related faculties as expressed in a specially designed escape room
Journal of Science Education and Technology, 31(5), 680-690.
Educational escape room: identify Dalton’s symbols and open the door
Journal of Chemical Education, 98(7), 2313-2322
Pre-service teachers’ implementation of rubrics for formative assessment in the inquiry-based chemistry laboratory
Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 22, 1074-1092
Trends and perceptions of choosing chemistry as a major and a career.
Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21, 668-684.
A professional development activity to help teaching assistants work as a team to assess lab reports in a general chemistry course
Israel Journal of Chemistry, 59 (6-7), 536-545.
Learning chemistry: self-efficacy, chemical understanding, and graphing skills.
Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28(4), 285-298.
Context-based learning and metacognitive prompts for enhancing scientific text comprehension.
International Journal of Science Education, 40(10), 1198-1220.
The case of middle and high school chemistry teachers implementing technology: using the concerns-based adoption model to assess change processes.
Chemistry Education Research and Practice., 18(1), 214-232.
Developing science education research literacy among secondary in-service teachers
In: A. Sickel, & S. Witzig (Eds), Designing and Teaching the Secondary Science Methods Course: An International Perspective (pp. 53-71). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publisher
Polymers and cross-linking: a CORE experiment to help students think on the atomic scale.
Journal of Chemical Education, 93(9), 1599-1605.
Supporting teachers to attend to generalisation in science classroom argumentation
International Journal of Science Education, 37(4), 599-628
Grappling with long-term learning in science: a qualitative study of teachers’ views of developmentally oriented instruction.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 52(8), 1163-1187.
Students’ understanding of analogy in a CORE (Chemical Observations, Representations, Experimentation) learning cycle, general chemistry experiment.
Journal of Chemical Education, 92(10), 1626-1638.
Promoting metacognitive skills in the context of chemistry education
In I. Eilks & A. Hofstein, (Eds.), Relevant Chemistry Education – From theory to practice (pp. 119-142). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: SENSE Publishers.
Learning quantum chemistry via visual-conceptual approach: Students’ bidirectional textual and visual understanding
Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 15(3), 297-310
Assessing advanced high school and undergraduate students’ thinking skills: the “chemistry—from the nanoscale to microelectronics” module
Journal of Chemical Education, 91(9), 1306-1317
Embedded assessment
In R. Gunstone (ed.), Encyclopedia of Science Education (pp. 364-366). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Teachers’ understanding of assessment
In R. Gunstone (ed.), Encyclopedia of Science Education (pp. 1033-1035). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Teachers’ knowledge and development of students’ assessments tasks while implementing a new chemistry curriculum
Challenges in the transition to large-scale reform in chemical education
Journal of Thinking Skills and Creativity, 10, 189-207
Teaching thinking skills in context-based learning: Teachers’ challenges and assessment knowledge
Journal of Science Education and Technology, 21(2), 207-225